Senin, 21 November 2011

Narrative Text

Narrative text is a text which has a function to amuse or to entertain the readers. Narratives deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis which in turn finds a resolution.
Narrative text consists of:
1. Orientation which tells about the setting and characters
2. Complication which tells about the problem among the characters
3. Resolution which describes the solution of the problem
This text has some characteristics:
1. Focusing on specific and usually individualized participants
2. Using of material process
3. Using of relational processes and mental processes
4. Using temporal conjunctions and temporal circumstances
5. Using of past tense

Minggu, 20 November 2011

The Tale of Amegakure (The Example of Narrative Text)

It was a beautiful winter morning when three little girls, Cassandra, Jean, and Laura played at Jean’s backyard. They competed to make a beautiful big snow castle. They were so serious in making the castle as if they built a castle where they would live in.
In the middle of their competition, the wind blew strongly abruptly. “Oh God! My beautiful castle! No…….!!!!” said Cassandra whose castle was broken by the wind. Jean and Laura kept making their castle seriously though it was not as easy as before the wind blew up; they had to hold their hat blown by the wind with their left hand while their right hand kept making the castle. However, the wind blew stronger and stronger until they were lifted up to the sky, higher and higher. They were screaming loudly as the wind lifted them up to the sky. “Jean!! What happen?!” said Laura loudly. “I really don’t know!!” said Jean. The wind blew stronger and stronger and lifted the girls up higher and higher. They could not look at each other since the wind blew so strong so that they preferred to close their eyes.
They felt that the wind stopped blowing slowly. As the wind stopped blowing, they felt that they went down to the ground. Cassandra tried to open her eyes slowly and said, “Is it over?”. It was surprising her when she completely opened her eyes and realized that she and her fiends did not at Jean’s backyard. For a moment, Jean and Laura were captivated with the place where they were standing at that time. They took a look around. It seemed like a little town with old buildings, but the buildings were not magnificent, they were like poor buildings for the exact. Jean and Laura still stood up until Cassandra called them, “Hey, you will be wet there!”. It was raining. Hard rain actually. Jean and Laura ran to the place where Cassandra belonged to –it seemed like a bus stop but it had a little damage at the top. “Where are we now? It seems like an old town, doesn’t it?” said Laura. “I don’t know,” said Jean. “We wait here until the rain stop then we can go to the town to ask the people,” said Cassandra.
“The rain will never stop,” a voice came abruptly from left side, beside Cassandra. The girls were surprising as they knew that the voice came from a dwarf –a very small man. “Follow me and I’ll tell you the story,” said the dwarf while giving them a big fungi plant –the fungi was so big, not in normal size, so they could use it as an umbrella. The girls followed the dwarf without asking anything. They walked in silence, in hard rain, until they arrived in front of a small house –it made the girls had to stoop to come in to the house. “You can call me Jack,” said the dwarf. “Okay Jack. Please tell us what place it is and how to get out of here,” said Jean without any patient. “I’ll tell you the story about this place but don’t stop me when I’m telling you the story until I finish telling you the story,” said Jack. The girls nodded.
“This village was Kingakure (the shinny village) with beautiful sky and the sun shone brightly, the wind blew softly before a witch named Kirara came to Kingakure and changed the peaceful Kingakure into darkness. The beautiful sky became dark clouds, the soft wind became tornado. Since that day, the rains always fell down in Kingakure, so the witch called this village Amegakure (the rain village). We’d tried to fight her, but she was very strong. Every dwarf, centaur –human which had horse body from waist to leg– and hobbit –small man bigger than dwarf– who tried to fight her changed to be statue. However, there was a prophecy that told us about Amegakure saviors. The prophecy told us, “There will be three girls who will appear in Amegakure magically and will disappear magically as well” and I’ve looked that you all appeared in Amegakure magically so I think you are Amegakure saviors which are sent by Teruterubozu, the god of rain,” said Jack.
“How comes? We are just three usual little girls who get lost in somewhere we don’t know and you say that we are your village saviors but we never fight a witch or someone like her before so do you still believe that your village will be saved by our hand?” said Jean in a little bit anger voice.
“Yes, I believe. I found this in front of Teruterubozu statue in the temple yesterday,” said Jack while taking three weapons from his cupboard –two swords and arrows. “There are the names of our saviors on the weapons,” explained Jack. It was true. There were Jean’s name and Cassandra’s name on each sword and there was Laura’s name on the arrows. The girls looked each other. They believed in the prophecy after seeing their name on the weapons. They decided to save Amegakure from Kirara so Amegakure became peaceful again.
Jack helped them to bring together the dwarfs, centaurs, and hobbits who wanted to fight Kirara to join The Amegakure Saviors. They came to Kirara’s palace together in the rainy day. They brought their spirit of freedom as their big weapon to fight Kirara. Knowing that she would be fought by Amegakure people, Kirara became angry. She made a hard rain, harder than before. She also made strong wind, stronger and stronger, and it almost made Amegakure people hard to walk to her palace. However, Amegakure people still walked to her palace in fire to get Kingakure back.
Kirara became furious as she knew Amegakure people came with The Three Saviors that was told by the prophecy and she prepared her knights to fight Amegakure people. The war between Amegakure and Kirara began. The swords collided. The arrows flew like the rains fell. Jack and Amegakure people with his brave fought Kirara’s knights. Laura with her spirit let her arrows slide away to the enemies. Jean with her confidence swung her sword to stab the enemies. Cassandra with her sagacity fought Kirara. Kirara tried to change Cassandra to be statue with her magic stick and magic words but Cassandra could avoid it. Kirara tried and tried but Cassandra could avoid and in her last power, Cassandra broke Kirara’s magic stick successfully. Kirara lost her power. She screamed as her body burnt because of loosing her power. Kirara died. The war was over.
Suddenly, the rain stopped. The sun shone brightly made the dark clouds go away. The wind blew softly brought the smell of victory for Amegakure. “No more Amegakure! Long life Kingakure! Long life three saviors!” said Jack in a voice full of spirit. Jean, Cassandra, and Laura smiled. For a moment, they wanted to live in Kingakure, but they remembered their family. “Our parents must worry about us,” said Laura. “We have to go now. Do you know the way back for us to home?” asked Laura to Jack. “As told by the prophecy, you will disappear from Kingakure magically,” said Jack. The girls looked sad. “Take this. It will remind you to Kingakure when you are back to your home,” said Jack while giving a pin with flower detail in it to Cassandra. “Thanks for saving Kingakure,” said Jack. The girls smiled and hugged Jack. In silence and tears.
In the middle of silence, the wind blew softly, so soft that made the girls swung and swung into a deep silence moment. As the wind stopped blowing, they opened their hug and dried their tears. When they completely dried their tears they realized that they were not in Kingakure anymore. It was still the morning as they made the castle when they were back to Jean’s backyard. “Was it a dream?” asked Laura. There was a silence for a moment. “No, it was not,” said Cassandra. She took the pin given by Jack from her pocket and gave it to Jean and Laura. They looked each other and smiled as if they got a wonderful prize. “Let’s continue making the castle!” said Laura in fire.

It's about how to learn English easily

Some people think that it is difficult to learn English. In Indonesia for example, for most of High Schools' students, English is a scary thing, a difficult lesson to master. Here, some tips to change your mind about learning English:
1. Be Confident!
show off yourself!! Don't be afraid of making mistakes!! Don't be afraid to speak
in English. It's about how to learn, so if you are afraid of making mistakes
you'll never learn.
2. You can learn English from anything, anywhere, anytime!
don't ever think that learning is about school or courses! you can learn English
from anything; western movies, western song, etc. Make your learning activities as
fun as you want!
3. Practice a lot!
Make a small group of 4; one of you must be smarter than others. Then, practice
speaking by discussing something you care about.
See?? It's not so difficult to do, right?? Good Luck!! ^^